About me.

Hello there. I’m ARTWINE, a wine lover/expert who expresses my wine tasting notes or terroir as paintings and short stories. My aim is to express the beauty of wine that traditional/technical wine tasting notes cannot express. Often they are connected to memories with loved ones, sensuality, romance, and something that cannot be easily described.

Wine & me.

I’ve been learning wine for about 10 years in wine schools with various methods and themes, as an amateur wine lover.

While I learnt how to write traditional wine tasting notes, I always disliked what I wrote. Lots of people write vivid and insightful tasting notes that I admire, but my notes always sounded monochrome when the wine in front of me was glamorous. I started feeling like expressing the beauty of wine in original ways. It led me to start this project. Hence what I try to do is to express what traditional notes cannot express. Beauty, emotions, sensuality, personal memories… are my main themes.

I gave up art when I was a low teen to pursue another career which was mostly because of expectations by adults around me. I’ve had a “love-and-hate” relationship with fine arts since then. Nevertheless living a life as an artist has been my secret childhood dream for decades.

In 2018, I got the idea of painting wine tasting notes although I couldn’t work on it. In 2020 – fortunately or unfortunately, pandemic and lockdowns gave me extra time, and I lost the excuses to not paint.

The whole world’s disaster also made me realise our life can suddenly and unexpectedly end. I was terrified when I thought that I had never tried something I really desired to do for my life. 2020 has taught me how my childhood dream was important to me.

Now I’m grateful that I can combine those two things in my works, it’s such a joy.

Apart from wine and painting, I have deep admiration for architecture, music, performing arts, literature, fashion, design, travels… and so many other things. I think they all inspired me and are reflected in my works especially short stories.

I hope to explore more of the world of wine to improve my art. Let’s discover the beauty of wine together — in arty, unconventional ways.

Art & me.

“Follow your passion. Pour in your heart and soul. Settle for nothing less than excellence. And with enough hard work and faith in yourself, you can realize your dream.”
Robert Mondavi

Exclusive content.

I share exclusive content such as painting process, wine stories, upcoming projects/events… only via email. Subscribers will see the latest works a few months in advance before I post them on my social media. Let’s get in touch!